Whakamanahia Te Rangatahi (WTR) Is a program for all Islander students (including Māori). The programme aims to help strengthen their understanding of their culture and language through a number of activities run by Miharo.Rangatahi also work alongside key leaders at events such as Polyfest and work in different areas such as being an MC and tour guiding. Your first meeting you go to a Noho Marae where you stay over the weekend and that first meeting is about whakawhanaungatanga where you learn to get to know everyone in the program. Then the next meeting will be straight into whatever event is planned like song writing and preparing for Polyfest. From my experience last year at Whakamanahia Te Rangatahi (WTR) I really enjoyed it I really liked helping at Polyfest and being a guide for all the schools and getting to see different schools perform on the stage. I also really liked the feel of the people in the programmme, I felt really comfortable around them. Another part of the programme that I really enjoyed was the photo shoot where we had to dress up in our cultural clothes and we got photos taken by a photographer. It was really an awesome experience. The organizers were really nice to us and welcoming, once you get to know them you become really close with them and you really enjoy it. In my opinion I recommend this to all Islander students (including Māori) to get involved into. It’s great.
By Isimeli Levuimata