Go Bus is contracted to ICC for the city runs (inside the city boundaries) and also transport students to rural areas all around the Invercargill district (not inside the city)
City Services
Within the City students use Go Bus and their bus routes are on the Invercargill City council website which you can locate here. (go to the bottom of the page you arrive at) School pick up points are at the city bus stop signs on Racecourse Road, senior Campus and Layard Street at the Junior Campus.
Cost vary but concession tickets are available from the drivers.
Rural Services
Outside the city boundary (50k zone) and 4.8 km from the nearest school is the requirement to be eligible. The service is free. There is more detail about this eligibility on the Ministry’s web site Located here
Questions about times, pick up points and routes to be on the roadside to be picked up in the morning vary greatly and are best answered by Go Bus themselves. The contact is 03 218 7108
At the end of school usually 3.20pm (Friday 3pm) buses are lined up on Racecourse Rd adjacent to the main field.
The first of these (nearest Laymond St) are destined for the Junior Campus and they feed the rural services to the north of the city.
The next three travel to Onslow St and serve the Eastern areas. Bluff and Otatara buses are also on the end of this line up closest to the school end.
Bus Passes are issued by Go Bus drivers in order for students to be able to use this service.
Any concerns regarding buses will be addressed by Al Pannett 2176129 ext 206
Bus Route Maps
D140110 Gorge Rd – Tranfers off Fortrose Bus
D140109 Wallacetown, JHJC, SBHS
D140108 Ryal Bush West, JHJC, SGHS
D140107 West Plains, JHJC, St John’s
D140106 Otatara, JHSC Overload
D140105 Myross Bush Secondary, JHJC, JHSC