Junior Campus
There is one dean for each year level. Deans are responsible for the welfare of students in their year level. They provide pastoral support and guidance for students.
There is one dean for each year level. Deans are responsible for the welfare of students in their year level. They provide pastoral support and guidance for students.
Students are supported by a House Dean. House Deans oversee the welfare and progress of their students and provide academic and pastoral support for students in their care. The teacher of Te Reo Māori also works in a pastoral care capacity with Māori students.
Junior Campus
Year 7 | Chloe Madden | cmadden@jameshargest.school.nz |
Year 8 | Mandy Saunders | msaunders@jameshargest.school.nz |
Senior Campus
Hamilton House | ||
Junior Dean | Barbara Tane | btane@jameshargestschool.nz |
Senior Dean | Lara Buchanan | lbuchanan@jameshargest.school.nz |
Head of House | Connor Bolton | cbolton@jameshargest.school.nz |
Menzies House | ||
Junior Dean | Jack Dymond | jdymond@jameshargest.school.nz |
Senior Dean | Suzanne Whatley | swhatley@jameshargest.school.nz |
Head of House | Koren Taylor | ktaylor@jameshargest.school.nz |
Thomson House | ||
Junior Dean | Veronica Baird | vbaird@jameshargestschool.nz |
Senior Dean | Terrence O’Brien | tobrien@jameshargest.school.nz |
Head of House | Katrina McDonald | kmcdonald@jameshargest.school.nz |
Watson House | ||
Junior Dean | Dane Carstensen | dcarstensen@jameshargest.school.nz |
Senior Dean | Dionne Morrison | dmorrison@jameshargest.school.nz |
Head of House | Catherine Patterson | cpatterson@jameshargest.school.nz |
E: juniorcampus@jameshargest.school.nz
E: office@jameshargest.school.nz