Whānau Report
Kua ea te kaupapa o Te Matatini ki te Ao!! Hard work and patience culminated
Kua ea te kaupapa o Te Matatini ki te Ao!! Hard work and patience culminated
Last weekend more than 40 of the original 70 James Hargest 1975 seventh form students
Congratulations to our Debating Club who all conducted themselves beautifully. The debates were fiercely contested
Senior Campus Athletics Sports was held in beautiful conditions. The competition was fun and fierce!
On Sunday, February 16, the Southland Secondary Schools Softball Tournament was held at Surrey Park.
Southland Tennis Champs were played in Winton in ideal conditions. The boys played a doubles
E: juniorcampus@jameshargest.school.nz
E: office@jameshargest.school.nz