Tess McGregor and Abigail Bragg came up with the idea to develop fast-acting glucose-recovery gummies after Tess, who is a type 1 diabetic, was having multiple sugar lows throughout the week.
Tess said she would normally use jelly beans to stave off the effects of her sugar lows, but discovered it only took two gummies to turn her blood sugars around and she had a much faster recovery time.
Mr Redmond said he believed the product had the potential to develop into a robust business model.
“It’s classic Young Enterprise business because they’ve come from a problem, thought and thought about a solution and generated a business around that,” he said.
The process the pupils went through to create the product was an important introduction to the business world and the manufacturing industry. They learnt new disciplines and skills such as marketing but also budgeting and waste management.
Credit: ODT. Read the full article here: