Emma McNaught has been selected as the James Hargest College representative for Ngā Manu Kōrero 2021. Ngā Manu Kōrero is regarded as the most significant event on the Māori education calendar for nurturing the oratory skills and providing the stage for young people to express their views and to lay down their challenges to an admiring and critical audience of peers, parents, whānau and judges.
This kaupapa is precious and endearing to each of us because it celebrates who we are as a nation. Ngā Manu Kōrero is about honouring the special and unique existence of being Māori and of sustaining our connections to the Māori world in all its glory.
Emma has been working on her speech since last term and has been proactive about performing it in front of different audiences to get feedback and refine what she wants to say. Emma has chosen to talk about where she belongs and has used a personal story of her journey so far and finding her place.
Emma is looking forward to making new connections at Ngā Manu Kōrero which is held in the Dunedin Town Hall. She is proud to be able to represent her school, her whanau and her friends as a young woman who has grown and changed while at JHC.
We are proud of you Emma and wish you all the best for Ngā Manu Kōrero.