Year 9 English – Ode to Cookie

9ENG with Ms Paulin have been working hard with their writing skills. As a creative writing task, Ms Paulin baked some cookies for her class and brought them in to create poetry about. The students were asked to go through their senses and then create an ‘Ode to Cookie’. Below is the winning poem, chosen by Ms Pickering:

Ode to Cookie
By Jayden Troon T9SDP

Oh my what’s this?
A cookie so sweet
What did I do to deserve such a treat

You look so good
Like an artists piece
Oh how I cannot wait for this feast

I can smell the flavour
Oh sweet and divine
May I have another
Just this one time

How you tasted so great
Oh it makes me weak
I want to have you
Every day of the week

I would kill for another
Over and over again
But if I have anymore
I may not stay sane

Please oh please
May I have another
I may even save some
For my dear mother