If your child is absent from school, including being late, please telephone the school office before 9.00am on 2176129 Ext. 895.
The class roll is taken at 8.55am and absences are recorded on our school system which feeds daily through to the Ministry of Education. If your child arrives late, they are to go to the office to sign in before they go to their class. If you are aware in advance that your child is going to be absent, please advise the school office. As we do try to contact parents/caregivers regarding all unexplained absences, it is a great help to our office staff if absences are reported.
- Phone 2176129 (extn. 895)
- Email or - or via School App/Absentee
Illness and Injury
If you are hurt or unwell with any medical problem, you must report to staff in the Office. If you recover and wish to return to class, notify the Office staff, otherwise arrangements will be made for you to go home. If further medical attention is required, parents/caregivers will be notified where possible.
Health Nurse
The Health nurse is available by requesting a visit using the bottom slot in the red mailbox in the office. Parents can also request visits by emailing the Junior Campus office.
At the Junior Campus, lunch is in homerooms for the first 10 minutes of lunchtime.
Students are not to leave the school grounds at lunchtime unless they sign out through the proper process.
Out of Bounds
This picture shows the Out of Bounds areas at the Junior Campus
There are bike stands at the Queens Drive and Layard St entrances to the school. As these stands are open to the street, all bicycles must be padlocked.
Electronic Devices
Junior Campus Cell phones are to be handed in to the homeroom teacher at 8:50am for safe storage. They are returned to students at the end of the day.
Students cannot use any electronic device to take images or record staff or students or any way (audio or streaming etc) without their knowledge/permission to do so.
Students are not permitted to have earphones/plugs in unless they are under teacher direction to do so and for educational purposes. If teachers wish students to have music in their classrooms then it is supplied/vetted by teachers and played so all can hear.
Printing & e-Learning Information
Click here
Lost Property
This is kept at the office. Students can come to the student area of the office and ask if their item has been handed in. If the item is named it is immediately returned to the student’s homeroom class or the student is called to the office to pick it up. It is essential that parents name all items of clothing, including shoes.
Damage to school property must be reported immediately to the Deputy Principals.
Students who damage, deface or lose school property are liable for the cost of replacement/repair.
Wouldn’t it be great if rules weren’t needed! The Core Values reflect the positive ideals that we expect your behaviour to be based on.
Clearly, not every situation fits neatly into the Values. There are grey areas about whether certain behaviours are acceptable or not. Of the following, some are very serious, while others help maintain the order of the school. Not every situation is mentioned, otherwise the list might be endless! You could always ask your Homeroom Teacher if you’re unsure.
Examples of unacceptable behavior:
- Hurting other people physically or verbally
- Offensive language
- Possessing or using vapes, tobacco, alcohol or harmful drugs
- Theft
- Disobeying teachers’ instructions
- Interfering with the rights of others to learn
- Chewing, eating or drinking in class
- Endangering the safety of others
- Arriving late and being ill prepared for your class
- Wearing your uniform incorrectly
- Interfering with other people’s property
If these behaviours are noted by staff and cause concern, students will be dealt with depending on the nature of the behaviour. Very serious behaviours may result in students being referred to senior staff and possibly subject to a Board of Trustees’ meeting. Sometimes this results in being stood down from school. Examples might be, violence towards others, drugs and alcohol.
We follow a restorative process to promote learning from our mistakes. If a student is required to be withdrawn from the playground at break times this will be arranged with the student and whānau will be notified. Remember, think before you act. If in doubt, ask!
The Deans have a role in dealing with the behaviour of students and they are also concerned about student progress.
- If you have problems with classwork
- If you are bothered by behaviour of others
Deans Contacts
Guidance Counsellors
The Guidance Counsellors are available to help you with any problems you may have. It may be:
- something at school
- something at home or out of school
- Anything mentioned is confidential – no-one else finds out unless you want them to.
Students can use the red mailbox in the office to request a meeting or their homeroom teacher can do this for them. Students can also use
All school stationery requirements are provided to parents. Please ensure all stationery is named.
Intervals 10.40am until 11.05am and lunchtime 1.00 to 1.40
Students should ensure they are at school by 8.45am and leave by 3.45pm. Outside these times students should be under direct supervision of a teacher eg working in the Library, sports practice, etc.
Unforseen Absence
Parents should phone or email ( the Attendance Officer (ext 205) before 9.30am to explain an absence. If this is not possible, students should bring a note to explain their absence to their Form Teacher. Computer generated absence messages will be sent to parents for unexplained absences by 10.15am, if a student is not present at Period 1. Students arriving late must sign in at Student Administration when they arrive. It is important to state the reason for an absence.
If these occur in school time, you must enter your details on the counter-mounted iPad at Student Administration when you leave or arrive back from an appointment. Named appointment cards and notes should be put on the spike provided next to the ipad in student admin.
Planned Absences
Permission to be absent from school must be sought in writing from one of the Deputy Principals in advance (at least 2-3 days beforehand) if absences of a whole day or more are requested.
Course Completion
Full attendance (for other than unavoidable absence) is a requirement for all courses of study and award eligibility.
Illness and Injury
If you are hurt or unwell with any medical problem, you must report to staff in the Photocopying Room. If you recover and wish to return to class, notify the Reprographic Room staff, otherwise arrangements will be made for you to go home. You must sign out on the ipad at Student Administration before leaving. You must not go home without going through sick bay first. If further medical attention is required, parents/caregivers will be notified where possible.
Health Nurse
The Health Nurse comes once a week (usually Wednesdays). Clinic is held in the Guidance Area on Wednesdays from 1.35-2.10pm. All aspects of health will be dealt with by professional staff.
Year 11 and 12 students may lunch in the Cafeteria. Year 9 and 10 students may, on cold or wet days, lunch in the Hall. When the Hall is unavailable the gallery in the Hargest Centre may be used instead. Listen to Roll Call notices for other lunchtime activities. Students may not lunch in classrooms/corridors.
Students are not to leave the school grounds at lunchtime except to lunch at their own homes. They are not to take other students with them.
Out of Bounds
- The west boundary tree line
- All fence lines
- Street frontages
- Garden areas
Stands are provided on the East side of the School. Access is via the Racecourse Road entrance and the M Block Layard Street entrance. Students may not wheel bicycles in any other areas of the School. Riding on school grounds is prohibited. Bicycle helmets are, of course, compulsory.
Motor Vehicles
Students are not to park on the school grounds. The School reserves the right to restrict the use of student motor vehicles if students use vehicles inappropriately.
Electronic Devices
Year 9, 10, 11 & 12: Cell phones are to be handed in to the classroom teacher each period for safe storage. They are returned to students at the end of the period.
Year 13: Cell phones must be switched off and in your bag or pocket during class, assembly, etc, unless specifically instructed by a teacher to “have them out” and used for educational purposes. If they are used inappropriately they will be confiscated.
Students are permitted to use the school phone in emergencies.
Cell phones are not to be used in the Student Administration area, the Guidance area or Sick Bay.
Cell phones used without teacher permission will be confiscated. Year 9-12 students’ parents will be asked to collect these at the end of the school day.
Students are not permitted to have earphones/plugs in unless they are in music or language under teacher direction to do so and for educational purposes. If teachers wish students to have music in their classrooms then it is supplied/vetted by teachers and played so all can hear.
Printing Information
Lost Property
A lost property depot is located outside the Staff Room. Students who either lose or find items should report to Student Administration.
Damage to school property must be reported immediately to the Deputy Principals.
Students who damage, deface or lose school property are liable for the cost of replacement/repair.
Wouldn’t it be great if rules weren’t needed! The Core Values reflect the positive ideals that we expect your behaviour to be based on.
Clearly, not every situation fits neatly into the Values. There are grey areas about whether certain behaviours are acceptable or not. Of the following, some are very serious, while others help maintain the order of the school. Not every situation is mentioned, otherwise the list might be endless! You could always ask your Form Teacher if you’re unsure.
Examples of unacceptable behavior:
- Hurting other people physically or verbally
- Offensive language
- Possessing or using tobacco, alcohol or harmful drugs
- Theft
- Disobeying teachers’ instructions
- Interfering with the rights of others to learn
- Chewing, eating or drinking in class
- Endangering the safety of others
- Arriving late and being ill prepared for your class
- Wearing your uniform in a sloppy way
- Interfering with other people’s property
If these behaviours are noted by staff and cause concern, students will be dealt with depending on the nature of the behaviour. Very serious behaviours may result in students being referred to senior staff and possibly subject to a Board of Trustees’ meeting. Sometimes this results in being stood down from school. Examples might be, violence towards others, drugs and alcohol.
After School Detentions: Students will be advised by Deans, Deputy Principals, Associate Principal or a letter home. These are not the only detentions or consequences you may experience! Remember, think before you act. If in doubt, ask!
Form Teachers
Form Teachers take a personal interest in the progress and achievement of their students. Students meet with their Form Teachers twice a week and most will have the same Form Teacher while at the Senior Campus. Form Teachers have a pastoral, mentoring role and do not teach their Form Class.
Students are supported by a House Dean. House Deans oversee the welfare and progress of their students and provide academic and pastoral support for students in their care. The teacher of Te Reo Māori also works in a pastoral care capacity with Māori students.
Deans Contacts
House Leaders
House Leaders work with House Captains to organise House events. These events are designed to be inclusive and cater to a range of talents and abilities. House Leaders support the pastoral sense of belonging for students in their Houses.
Peer Support
Peer support is designed to make the transition to the Senior Campus easier by giving small groups of Year 9 students a Year 13 “buddy”. Students follow a programme of orientation and initiation activities, and are able to discuss school related issues and build a relationship with their “buddy”.
Guidance Counsellors
The Guidance Team work with students and their families to provide a sound support base so that any problems can be identified and addressed. They provide a professional, specialist and confidential service which helps students discover their own strengths and take responsibility for themselves. The key to managing stress or difficulties is having a strong support team.
The Counsellors can put you in touch with organisations in the community if you wish. To see the Guidance Counsellors, fill in a yellow slip in the Guidance waiting room, or book an appointment online.
Careers Advisors
The Careers Advisors will help you find out about jobs you might be interested in once you leave school. They will help you choose your options and subjects to be best able to meet the needs of your career interests.
To see them fill in a yellow slip in the Guidance waiting area.
More Careers Information
All school stationery requirements are available from Student Administration at intervals and lunchtimes only. These are very competitively priced. Stationery lists are found here. Terms are strictly cash unless otherwise arranged.
Cafeteria / Canteen
The cafeteria is open before school, at intervals and lunchtimes in the cafe-gym complex. A full list of food is available and prices are advertised and updated in Form Time Notices. EFTPOS facilities are available.